(on the Right wall as you face the altar)

Genesis or Creation (Panel-D)

Starting with the window group farthest from the altar, three top and three bottom, use Genesis or Creation as their theme.  The lower windows have seven circles representing the seven days and nights of Creation.  The bottom set represents the world's creation and the parting of darkness and light.  The top set deals with creating the sun, moon, stars, airfowl, sea fish, plants, animals, and man.

Old Testament (Panel-E)

 The next set of six windows, closer to the altar on the wall, deal with the gifts of the Old Testament.  The bottom three show the Lion of Judah and list the prophets of the Old Testament. In the middle window of this group begins a staff extending into the upper set of windows ending in a Menorah.  This staff represents the prophecy of the Messiah, i.e., the coming of Christ, mentioned throughout the Old Testament. The upper three windows deal with two major gifts, the Ten Commandments and the five Books of Moses, i.e., the Torah.  Towards their bottom is the menorah or seven branch candlesticks representing the partaking of the Sabbath.  To the upper left is the Hebrew letter S (shin), an abbreviation for the word Shaddai or Almighty.  It resembles three flags.

New Testament (Panel-F)

The next set of six windows, towards the altar, depict elements of the New Testament.  Many of the parables or historical symbols of Christ are found. In the bottom group are depictions of the ‘Light That Should Not Be Hidden,’ waves reminiscent of Christ’s many miracles on the waters, and the coming of the Holy Ghost or Comforter after His Resurrection. In the upper grouping of three, the window to the right deals with the miracle at the Marriage at Cana or turning water into wine.  In the center is the Agnus Dei or Lamb of God, the Pentecostal Flame, and in the upper left of this window is the symbol of wheat.  The left window of these three shows loaves of bread and fish as well as the lilies of the field.

Sacraments (Panel-G)

The fourth set of six windows, closest to the altar on this wall, have the Sacraments as their subject.  The lower windows consist of a baptismal font and a communion rail.  The upper set has the Chi Rho, symbolizing Christ, in the center window.  Above that depiction is the shell of St. John containing water, a symbol of baptism.  In the window to the right are the Pentecostal flames.  The left window has the communion cup and water.