"That they all may be one."

John 17:21

This page will keep you informed about the activities and progress of the Pastoral Search Committee

Donna Nettleton is the Chairman of the Search/Call Committee

Dear Members and Friends of St. Paul UCC,

In the United Church of Christ we have a “call” system instead of an “appointment” system.  This means that instead of a denominational leader such as a bishop “appointing” our next pastor, we as a congregation have the opportunity to “call” our new pastor. While our Conference will not simply “appoint” a new person, they will be working alongside of us to offer support and resources in our search process.   

Times of transitions such as this can make us as a bit anxious wondering what comes next.  Many of our leaders have already been approached by members with questions about the “now what?”  We are consistently meeting with Rev. Shana Johnson, the Conference Minister of the Illinois South Conference, in which she shared with us the UCC procedures during a time of pastoral transition.

Here is a brief overview of the process and procedures will be following:

A Search Committee has been selected.  The members of that committee are:  Donna Nettleton-Chair, Donna Davis, Roger Henke, Tina LakeHopper, Terry Kalinowski, Jim Means, Susan Relfe, Dana Rosenzweig, and Al Scharf.

The interim pastor will not be a candidate for the “settled” position as they are being called for the specific purpose of helping us step back and rediscover who we are and what we need in a future leader.

Illinois South Conference will advertise the open position of Senior Pastor among UCC clergy all across the country. Our Search Committee will read ministerial profiles, screen candidates, conduct interviews, check references, and eventually select a candidate who will be recommended to the entire congregation.

This letter is to let you know that we are taking steps to think about our future. We will keep you informed on a regular basis. For now, let us express our gratitude to God, and for the members of St. Paul. Please keep us in your prayers. 

In Christ’s name, 

Donna Nettleton 

Chair, St. Paul Search Committee


Back Row, Left to Right: Tina Lake-Hopper, Al Scharf Donna Nettleton, Dana Rosenzweig, Terry Kalinowski

Front Row, Left to Right: Susan Relfe Jim Means, Roger Henke, Donna Davis
