What: The Worship Team, as a part of Congregational Care, provides ushers and greeters, prepares communion, and decorates seasonally with paraments, banners, flowers, and candles.


Who: All who wish to help make the worship experience more beautiful and meaningful are welcome.


Where and When: We have a business and planning meeting at 10 AM on Thursday or Friday before Communion Sunday (the first Sunday of the month) in the Library, and then we go to the kitchen to prepare the elements for Communion. The bread is cut, and the wine & grape juice are put in cups and stored in trays in the refrigerator for the ushers to take to the Sanctuary on Sunday morning. After the Communion service, we return the trays to the kitchen, where they are cleaned and stored. Banners, altar paraments, flowers, and other decorations are placed according to the liturgical season.


Contact: The church at (618) 233-3303