Pastor Michelle's Monthly Message

Michelle Torigian is Senior Pastor of the Church

Pastor’s Message

Monday Fun-days

I remember a movie I had seen that was released about 25 years ago called Office Space. One of the characters in the movie would say to the lead character: “It looks like someone has a case of the Mondays.”

Being that Sunday is really my first day of the week, I personally don’t see the angst that goes into Mondays because, by Monday, I’ve felt the Spirit joyously working on Sunday mornings, and then Mondays feel more like a Tuesday. But for many folks, they feel the dread in the pit of their stomachs once Sunday night rolls around. What will Monday bring?

We don’t know what one month, one week, one day will bring in our lives. We often see how life can change so quickly. And yet, we know that with our communities, from this church to your organizations to your workplaces and friend groups, you have people who make any day of the week much better. They are your people who cheer you on when life becomes tough or when you are close to reaching a goal.

February tends to be a month of love and kindness. How can we bring joy to the folks feeling a “case of the Mondays?” How can we ensure people know they are appreciated for being their authentic selves? How can we encourage the use of our friends’ gifts? How can we use words and caring actions to make sure others have the support they need?

I have seen how many of you have given so much support to our friends who are struggling with grief or illness. I truly appreciate the ways you have reached out to our friends who are ill. You have supported the loved ones of our friends who have died by attending visitations and funerals, sending loving messages, and volunteering at the funerals. Every moment you care for our neighbors, we are able to be the hands and feet of
Christ and bringing the love of God to our world!


Pastor Michelle