Musical Instruments at St. Paul UCC
Musical Instruments at St. Paul UCC
The sanctuary has a 49 rank, 60 stop Schantz pipe organ which was installed in 1991 in the chancel area of the church. Prior to that, the organ and the choir had been in the balcony of the church. The tonal specifications are listed below:
Schantz Organ Company Opus 1974 49 ranks 1991
16' Violone 73 8' Gemshorn 61
8' Principal 61 8' Gedackt 61
8' Violone 8' Flauto Dolce 61
8' Rohrflöte 61 8' Flauto Celeste [GG] 54
8' Flauto Traverso 49 4' Principal 61
(1-12 from Rohrflöte) 4' Koppelflöte 61
4' Octave 61 2' Octave 61
4' Hohlflöte 61 1 1/3' Quintflöte [prep]
2' Weitoctave 61 III Mixture 183
II Sesquialtera [TC-c/49) 74 8' Krummhorn 61
IV Mixture 244 8' Festival Trumpet 61
8' Trumpet 61 (High Pressure)
8' Festival Trumpet [CH] Tremulant
Chimes 21 bells
16' Bourdon 73 32' Resultant
8' Geigenprincipal 61 16' Principal 44 *
8' Bourdon 16' Subbass 44
8' Viola 61 16' Violone [GT]
8' Viola Celeste [GG] 54 16' Bourdon [SW]
4' Principal 61 8' Principal
4' Spitzflöte 61 8' Subbass
2 2/3' Nasard 61 8' Violone [GT]
2' Blockflöte 61 8' Bourdon [SW]
1 3/5' Tierce [TC] 49 4' Choralbass 32 *
IV Mixture 244 III Mixture 96 *
16' Contre Trompette 73 16' Posaune 44
8' Trompette 16' Contre Trompette [SW]
8' Hautbois 61 8' Posaune
4' Clarion 61 8' Trompette [SW]
8' Festival Trumpet [CH] 4' Krummhorn [CH]
Tremulant 8' Festival Trumpet [CH]
* Exposed Pipes
As a result of a two year fundraising campaign, church members and friends gifted the funds to purchase and dedicate the Steinway B grand piano in July, 2016. It was dedicated in recital later that year by Dr. Dror Biran, Associate Professor of Piano at the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music.
St. Paul also has a five-octave set of Schulmerich handbells, which are used by the Glory Ringers. There are also Malmark choir chimes, as well as miscellaneous percussion instruments for children's musical activities.